Valaris commissioned TEXO Asset Integrity to work on the Gorilla V, and offshore drilling jack-up rig. The fabric and maintenance project included the helideck structure, shaker pits and mud tanks whilst the vessel was berthed at the Port of Dundee.
TEXO has a close working relationship with Valaris, which appreciates our values of looking after our people, and the trust that we place in our teams, empowering them to make good decisions on site. For this project, the full work was carried out over a cumulative six-week period.
We undertook full surface preparation to SA2.5 standard, followed by a spray application and coatings to all structures. In total, we worked on 10 mud tanks, two slug tanks and five shaker pit tanks as well as the helideck structure.
We used the latest equipment to ensure a quality finish and a uniform dry film thickness, and also to ensure the safety of our team and others on the vessel. This included an ALG10 to ensure clean air for blasting and spraying, and an air purity tester to make sure clean, safe air is delivered to the work parties.
A hugely successful project with three individual scopes for work running simultaneously. In total we worked on 10,000 m2 of surface area, used 3,000 litres of paint and 80 tonnes of blast abrasive. We completed the project in around 11,000 man-hours without a single lost time incident.
The TEXO Asset Integrity team are clearly highly experienced and extremely well supervised with a great work ethic.
Valaris project client