TEXO Asset Integrity mobilised a multi-disciplined, multi-skilled rope access tea, to not only complete the DROPS Survey, but also perform routine maintenance, and undertake repairs to any anomalies. This provided the end-client with an integrated inspection, access and repair solution.
The client was impressed with our services, saying: “The team conducted a very detailed DROPS survey to a very high standard. All members of the team were very professional and easy to work with. Their communication skills were excellent, which makes our job easier, and the reports provided were very detailed.”
Steve Moir, Operations Director of TEXO Asset Integrity said:
“Oil and Gas UK 2018 figures show that dropped objects account for the second highest class of reportable incidents, they continue to cause harm to people and hazardous plant and is a problem that the industry takes seriously. I am proud of the team for executing another successful Dropped Object survey for our client. The excellent communications between our team and the vessel crew, allowed TEXO to complete the scope of work in a safe, cost effective manner, leaving the asset in a safer condition than when the team arrived.”