We started this contract by utilising TEXO’s technologies to map the current condition of Yorkshire Water’s assets in two ways:
This gave us a benchmark for the data, which we update every six months allowing for relative data collection and asset life and corrosion management.
Using this data, we have completed a comprehensive maintenance schedule with Yorkshire Water. The schedule covers corrosion management and asset maintenance, including valve repacking, valve release, fixture replacement for stainless steel to prolong the life of the assets, composite wrapping, pipework and asset repainting, concrete maintenance, air valve replacement, and compensation pipework changed for stainless steel.
This is ongoing work that has delivered outstanding outcomes for Yorkshire Water, which is now able to track and maintain assets in a much more strategic and reliable way than before.
“Throughout the past we’ve tried to source companies on individuals to cover this scope to keep all Yorkshire Water personnel safe. We have found TEXO to be a step above all of these companies with regards to the full turnkey solution it offers.” Yorkshire Water.