TEXO Workspace Solutions has recently completed a deal with TEXO Livestream for our project managers and supervisors to be supported with the latest technology in live autonomous communications with our project engineers and clients alike.
As our client base takes us far and wide, both on and offshore, communication is paramount. From POB restraints offshore, site access restrictions onshore and our commitment to reducing our carbon footprint, we had to find a real alternative in communicating and sharing information. TEXO Livestream delivers that very solution and provides us with real-time access to what is going on no matter where we are operating.
From site survey, scope delivery, inspection and handover, we can monitor, control and share everything live from the workplace. The ability to have live communication benefits our team on-site, and whether it be a situation that needs to be supported by our own team, vendor or the client, we can share with pinpoint accuracy any given situation to gain the best resolve.
This fits exactly with our core beliefs in clarity and communication and provides a high degree of comfort for our team. The potential uses for Livestream are endless and we continue to develop that potential further every time we bring it to a project. The restrictions we face can now be covered easily and the comfort factor that we can bring to our clients is unlimited. Direct access for key individuals and being able to support any given situation no matter where in the world you are is a game-changer.
Richard Lamb, TEXO Workspace Solutions Divisional Director
We are pleased to support TEXO Workspace Solutions integrate the Livestream solution as part of everyday workflow processes. Adoption of the solution will deliver value in supporting external workforces, improved HSE practices, combined with the ability to keep clients informed on work schedule, improved communications, and the ability to highlight/share with the client any issues that may arise during the life of the project.
Colin McHardy, TEXO Livestream Commercial Director